Thanks for the question. I think it did.
Yes, certainly there's the question around first nations.... As it stands, as you know, first nations are owners and operators of their water systems, and they employ individuals to perform those functions, so that exists. The section is on regulations. We'd be creating a regulation on recruitment and retention. I'm not sure, in my mind, what that would mean. Training and certification, I understand.
Not to get overly technical, but plants are designed to a certain level and to a certain standard. The people who operate those plants have to be trained to that standard, so I can understand the alignment, in a regulatory space, between performing a function and ensuring that the person who does that function is trained and certified. Recruitment and retention, from a regulatory standpoint, eludes me. What regulation would we be making? That's the question in my mind.
To me, it is the alignment with the regulation. The choice and the management of the systems is already in the hands of first nations. I think we'd be creating considerable ambiguity, and I don't know what that means or what regulation would be performed. It eludes me, greatly.