Because it's my understanding that we're televised now, I'm going to repeat what I said earlier, before I start on amendment NDP-38.
Regarding the amendment process for Bill C-61, the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations contacted me to ask me to remove their amendments due to the time it is taking to amend Bill C-61. I respect the will of the Assembly of First Nations and respectfully withdraw those amendments. I will, however, keep the amendments submitted by Independent First Nations out of respect for their jurisdiction over their lands, territories and resources.
The NDP amendment numbers that I'm removing are NDP-42, NDP-43, NDP-46, NDP-48, NDP-49, NDP-57, NDP-58, NDP-61, NDP-63, NDP-66, NDP-75, NDP-79, NDP-2 and NDP-3.
Regarding the next amendment, NDP-38 was submitted by the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations.
It reads as follows:
That Bill C-61 be amended by adding after line 32 on page 12 the following new clause:
19.1 If affected First Nation governing bodies were afforded a meaningful opportunity to collaborate in the policy development leading to the making of the regulations, the Governor in Council may make regulations providing for any matter relating to the application of this Act or respecting water services on First Nation lands.