I'm really uncomfortable being in the position of determining whether an indigenous organization is a legitimate indigenous organization.
I can tell you that we have respect for the work that CCIB does and that many of the organizations it represents are indeed indigenous businesses. I can tell you that it's also a partner in helping the Government of Canada figure out the next steps to transform the approach to identifying and certifying indigenous businesses. I can also tell you that the sooner the Government of Canada gets out of the business of defining what an indigenous business is, the better.
However, it won't stop the questions. I think what indigenous people are saying is that they need to be able themselves to define who their people are, who their members are. This is a vestige and a continuation of a colonial country that has a number of different programs and approaches that are in the position of having to certify indigeneity. CCIB is one of the partners—not the only partner—that is working on the question of how best to transfer this role, and I think it is a very important role.