Well, that's quite a list, actually. It's a short and partial list, and yet so important, because you're talking about what many people talk about: the social determinants of health. I would say that we should broaden that out and say the social determinants of wealth as well.
Shoal Lake is a perfect example, as is Freedom Road. I had an opportunity to go to Shoal Lake and used Freedom Road to get to Shoal Lake. When I got there.... The community is in a rejuvenation, actually, right now. There are many members who live in Winnipeg and who now are able to commute back and forth to the community and are providing services to the community in the form of leadership, health services and education services. In fact, their water treatment plant, which is also new and funded by the federal government, is actually fully run by Shoal Lake members and is maintained by Shoal Lake members.
I think what you're hitting on is that these investments that we've been making—I did mention the number in my speech, and it's 1,100% more than the previous Conservative government spent on indigenous priorities—are not just social investments. They actually contribute to stronger communities and to communities' ability to educate their kids at home, closer to home, and they have higher graduation rates. That creates more opportunities for young people to go to post-secondary education—college and university—and then oftentimes come back home to provide services and to continue to grow that community.
Thank you for mentioning the school announcement as well. That was such an exciting announcement. Many of those communities have had to continue to send their high-schoolers out of town. As you would know, being in Winnipeg—and maybe MP Melillo also knows these stories—it's really challenging for the kids who have to leave home to go to school in a city far away.