For the Abénakis Nation of Odanak, we have a list, a citizenship code, that's been....
I'll switch to French.
The Abénakis Nation of Odanak has had a membership code since 2006. We're reviewing it this year, and we have control over our list of members. We strongly encourage first nations to do the same. The Indian Act sets out who's indigenous and who's not, but we know who our members and descendants are.
Many cases have been heard at the federal level before the Supreme Court of Canada and before the Supreme Court of British Columbia, including the McIvor case, which Ms. McIvor won following the intervention of the Abenakis of Odanak. The Descheneaux case and Bill S‑3 are also thanks to the Abenakis of Odanak. Membership is important.
We need to be the only ones who have control over our membership lists. We know who our members and descendants are. Many people self-identify as Abenakis descended from a root ancestor. However, we even know who our root ancestors are. We're in the best position to know who our members are, and the communities should have full access to the membership lists.