Thanks for that.
I think we are well on our way in some areas, but the barriers still remain for infrastructure, for connectivity and also for expansive policies that enable, in our case, for ITK, our Inuit businesses to succeed. We are also in a new frontier for intellectual property, and the consideration for how we can protect Inuit intellectual property and things specific to Inuit society, culture and business moving forward is a point of great concern for us.
We hope to also get this certainty that I talked about earlier, where we can just dive right ahead and know that we are not competing against other actors that have no business being in the space that we are, especially if we want to meet that 5% target. We understand, especially for defence spending, that there's going to be a lot of money put into Inuit Nunangat in the Arctic. We want our Inuit businesses to be right there to provide great services and to have access to those particular opportunities for the good of our communities and the good of Inuit in general.