Thank you. It's nice to see you, Jaime.
Leroy and Amethyst say oki. I just wanted to pass that on.
What you spoke about is the nation-to-nation relationship that we're hoping for across our communities. We've seen the deferral of different ministries to provinces, such as child welfare and education, and this deferral has not raised the rates of success in those areas. In similar environments, such as health and mental health, because it's easier for the government to treat us as municipalities, we don't necessarily vote in these provincial governments to speak about our issues.
We have first nations governments that speak about those issues. They're being completely overstepped and dismissed in these discussions, yet the provinces are taking on that responsibility. I can tell you, from some of the experiences that I've had, they do not share or understand the intricacies of a first nation, the legal and jurisdictional issues of a first nation and the needs of our first nation.
I would support more of that nation-to-nation relationship and federal acts, such as the family act that was recently implemented to address the children's services overrepresentation in crisis. Along those similar lines, I believe that will help move things forward.