If we don't get the help, it will mean loss of life. We're doing our best right now. We do save lives. We have been doing so for a number of years, but not to have any help would be kind of disastrous in my eyes. To lose one life is too much. If all it takes is a few dollars, a little bit of time and some people getting together, then let's do it. If it takes just that to save one life, let's do it. If that's all it takes, then yes.
If we don't get it, then we will continue to do this like we have for years, but we will struggle. We don't have the proper safety gear. We don't have the proper equipment. All we use basically is our own gear. We don't even have diving teams, wetsuits or the dry suits that go for this time of year. Safety equipment would be awesome to have.
Basically we go out with a snowmobile or sled, and that's about it. The sled box becomes the stretcher. We don't have the proper gear to properly save lives, or specialized equipment. If I had a hovercraft to help us out right now.... Right now at home there are people both snowmobiling and boating. I can take a picture from my parents' house with a boat here and, about two miles back, a snowmobile.
We face a lot of challenges and we need the help. We need the finances. We need the territorial and provincial governments to come in and help us. We've been doing okay up until now, but we can save a lot more lives if we have the proper gear.