My friend and colleague, Robert Huebert, who you probably know, will be able to provide you with a much more detailed breakdown than I'll be able to, but certainly I would say one of the challenges in the north is that Russia, as an adversary, currently has the initiative. We need to think about how we can regain the initiative. I think everything you've heard here from the various witnesses are ways of us regaining the initiative, rather than being on our back foot, and being proactive in how we invest strategically to advance both our national security objectives but also our human security objectives.
If you ask northern communities what their understanding of security is, it is very different from our southern understanding or from your and my understanding—focused around issues of food security, for instance. I think we can reconcile these with the various interventions you've heard here, while at the same time being more proactive in deterring and containing the initiative of our adversaries, in particular Russia.
But I would also remind you that, of course, as you know, China has been quite active in our Arctic domain.