When we talk about projects on reserve taking four to six times longer, it's because there's a lack of resources on the part of the community. There's lack of capacity to deal with the issues, a lack of rules and regulations and a lack of a game plan in terms of what needs to be done. We're working together as institutions to try to break down those barriers, so that it's just as fast to do business on our lands as it is off.
Some of that means working with other institutions, like the first nations lands management board, on additions to reserve policy, on specific claims policy, and in the long term, on creating our own proper land titles system so that lands would be transferred to our title, not to the title of the federal government, or indeed to the provincial or territorial governments.
To break down the times in terms of investment, we need institutions and innovative ways to deal with it. That's ultimately the framework of the institutions that are before you today as witnesses.