I think there's another thing we have to look at. Prior to becoming chief, I spent 16 years as the transportation supervisor for our school board, and our geography, again, is a big issue, because there's only one way on and off Cornwall Island. We have an international bridge going south and the low-level bridge going north, but if either one of those bridges gets taken out, we're stuck.
It's the same for the district of Kana:takon: There's one road in and out, and that's it. It's the same with Tsi Snaihne. There are two roads in and out, and that's it. We don't get enough funding to help maintain those roads, number one, but we need to have alternative roads outside of the ones we have now so we can be better prepared.
The customs are a hindrance, absolutely, but the fact that we only have one way in and out to our districts is, I think, a bigger hindrance.