The ability of the council in the face of a government request that is insufficient.... I think you've seen proof of that, particularly in this very important aspect of our future and our present.
Obviously, being a government in minority, there is the ability to use a level of recourse that has really drastic consequences, if people are truly seized by how important it is to answer these recommendations by the committee. Certainly, folks around the table will probably know the power they have to compel the government to do things in that type of situation. This is also to inform not only government to get on with it but also to have society focused on it. We get a lot of pressure from constituents and from indigenous leadership to get moving on things when things are brought to light.
I believe we're up to the task to the extent that we haven't been up to now. This is an added layer of credibility. It's an added layer of moral authority and imperative for us to move when we're found to be lacking in these areas. I think it's quite forceful.
I don't know what the process would be if the government's response falls short of the legislation. There's always a judicial process, but I think the repercussions are quite severe when constituents make sure that their elected representatives are living up to their expectations.