I have to confess that I haven't studied it. I was asked late Monday to appear on behalf of President Chartrand. In fact, after I wrote my brief, I found the news articles referred to and the comments he made. I don't have a staff yet who can do that for me.
I agree that it should be weighted more toward survivors, who are the ones who have suffered the brunt of the residential schools. I agree, though, that national indigenous organizations, if they truly represent who they say they do, have a right to be there. I would have no qualms with the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Assembly of First Nations being there to represent their people. I'm sure they would do the right things in appointing people who have been affected by the residential school system. Their wisdom would go in that way.
I know there are others to be selected. I think those others should come specifically from.... I use the term “survivor”, but I don't really embrace that term. Those who went through the experience should be there, for sure.