Yes, I would—and Clarence Louie out of the Okanagan. A number of aboriginal leaders feel strongly that economic reconciliation not only lifts up first nations but also obviously lifts up the provinces and the country. The proof is out there.
In my community, for example, the economic reconciliation that we participated in not only made us one of the wealthiest bands in B.C., but it also, for some reason, got rid of the alcohol parties. I think a study should be made in that respect. Where did all the house parties go?
When I grew up, every weekend I knew of five or six houses that you could travel to, house to house to house, in one night. That's all gone. Instead, we have young aboriginals getting mortgages in their own right without depending on Indian Affairs or their band council. They're going on vacation. They're planning futures for their children.
To my mind, and from what I've experienced in the last 18 years, reconciliation is a buzzword. Without the concrete results of seeing somebody get off the welfare list, or seeing somebody get away from the idea of committing suicide or their children going to government care.... I keep coming back to a phrase I heard a long time ago: “This is Canada's shame; how do we fix it?” Well, government, you can't; if you could fix it, it would have been fixed long ago. If you're going to do something, then do something in partnership with first nations that can make their band councils—and, more importantly, their band members—independent.
If you want an example, come to my village, Kitamaat Village, B.C. I'll show you around.