“Reconcili-action” is taking action on the wrongs of the past.
In my opinion, when it comes to things like child and family, you don't take children from families. You keep them and the family together at all costs.
More dollars need to go towards prevention, because we carry intergenerational wounds. It's in our DNA, so there needs to be more focus on healing and getting back to our roots. That's taking action: giving back what was stolen, giving back our language, giving back our culture and our way of life—hunting, gathering, living off the land.
The way of society today is not what's in our hearts and our DNA, so it takes us off balance. Even when you think of time, there are 13 moons, not 12 months. The moon doesn't lie, nor does the turtle's back, where there are 28 days and 13 moons. That takes us off the heartbeat of the earth. That's reconcili-action: getting back to the land and getting back that relationship.
When we were colonized, the laws of the land and the people were ignored, and that's why society is so off balance. “Reconcili-action” is getting back to what we once had.