First, as far as the idea of the organizations is concerned, we didn't want to get prescriptive by listing different organizations, but there are many organizations that could be included in this consideration. Many of them, such as the First Nations Financial Management Board or the different organizations that operate under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act would be examples. There would be organizations like NACCA or CCAB. The list would go on and on, and that's why we didn't get prescriptive.
Many of these organizations are doing very good work, and the work has a sole purpose and mandate of eradicating poverty by including good business practices, by including good procurement practices on behalf of the government. CCAB has been an advocate for procurement targets and many of these things. I guess it's our opinion that economic reconciliation or the concept of reconciliation in the context of addressing poverty is a very big factor in the context of reconciliation overall.
I would probably leave my comments there. I think that addresses both Ms. Idlout's and Madame Gill's comments, unless they want to come back to me to ask something further.