Generally, as I was mentioning earlier, I think one of the issues that the Métis face as opposed to first nations and Inuit is the lack of institutions and the lack of access to current programming—not even future programming.
We don't have an equivalent to the First Nations Finance Authority. I understand that FNFMB supports the work of the FNFA. When you look at how FNFA can assist economic development, one could look at the Clearwater deal with the Mi'kmaq on the east coast, which allows them to generate a great deal of capital to participate in a major project. The Métis do not have access to those sources of capital, so they could not have participated in the same way.
Anything that can be co-developed that would provide access to promote Métis participation in major projects [Technical difficulty—Editor] would be required, and it would be very welcome. I think there is a great deal of institutional development that needs to be done on the Métis side to provide critical access to the programming and institutions that are available to the other indigenous peoples but not to the the Métis.