The same recommendations you're agreeing to this time were made in 2013.
With the time I have left, I want to talk specifically about the risk-based approach recommended in the report. The report found the department did not implement a risk-based approach to manage emergencies, as required under the Emergency Management Act. The Auditor General said this finding was identified in 2013 and again in internal audit reports of the department in 2013 and 2017. A risk-based approach identifies, analyzes and evaluates the risk in these communities, so the proper actions can be taken.
The challenge or frustration I have is that we need to acknowledge the concerns, or we can't fix the issues. If I misinterpreted your words, that's a fair argument, but when I hear those public comments it frustrates me, because somebody has to be accountable to make the changes we agreed to in these reports. Somebody has to own this.
With the short time we have left, can you share with the committee how you, as the minister, will hold the department—or somebody in the department—to account, in order to ensure we make the change and move to a risk-based approach from a proposal-based one?