I'm sorry, but I'm going to need to stop you there. I want to get one more question in, and my time is limited.
Thank you for that. I don't mean to be rude.
There's another discussion I wanted to drill into today as we follow up on the discussions from the last few days, when we had the Auditor General both at public accounts and here at INAN. It's this idea of that change from the risk-based system to the proposal-based system.
We talk about 112 unfunded projects. That's had a great deal of discussion. We all know what we're talking about—74 of them have been out there for more than five years, and four for a decade. There are 72 more projects out there that haven't been assessed yet.
Is there something being done in the department to concretely move to that risk-based assessment program from the proposal-based? It seems from the report that this proposal-based system is failing. It's been a challenge for many years. I'm not pointing fingers; it's been a problem for us.
I don't mean this to be rude, but who can best play the Indian Act administration game? We're working with a system that has been there for many years, and it is flawed.
Is there a way that you're working within the department to really concretely make that change? I get that it requires funding and a change in models and getting some of that upfront stuff, but is that being done? What does that look like, please?