Yes, they told me there was really a shortfall.
Earlier I spoke with your colleague Minister Vandal about planning. We often revisit the issue of housing more generally speaking. I'm not talking about off-reserve housing. It's often said that the effort has been made, that advances are being made, but that no objective is being achieved.
Are we really trying to achieve one?
We can see that additional funding has been provided, although we don't really know exactly how it breaks down, but do we have a deadline? When will the housing issue be resolved, if that's even possible? Housing is currently in crisis, and we've said it many times.
Do you have an idea of what's been done to date? What percentage of the housing units has been built? I know it can be hard to assess that—there's an enormous shortfall—but do you have an idea? Is there a long-term plan? Are we doing this on an ad hoc basis, ultimately hoping that the money will be used to build new housing units?