Welcome to the second panel.
I would like to welcome those who are with us today.
In person, we have Ms. Claudette Commanda from the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres, and Dr. Kevin Lewis of the University of Saskatchewan, who may speak to us in Plains Cree, but we'll see.
I understand that your mother may be involved in translation as well. Welcome.
Also, Dr. Lorna Williams is with us by video conference from the University of Victoria.
Welcome to our three guests as we continue our study of indigenous languages.
The way we do it is that we ask each of our witnesses to make a five-minute opening set of remarks and then we proceed with questions.
For the benefit of Dr. Williams, if you don't understand some of the languages that are being spoken, you have a little globe at the bottom of your screen where you can choose which language you wish to understand. There may be some French. There may be some Plains Cree. It's good to set up beforehand.
With that, I will ask Ms. Commanda to begin with five-minute opening remarks.
Thank you.