We can certainly do better in terms of service delivery. The rights associated with indigenous languages are mentioned in section 35 of the Constitution. They are not defined because it's not up to us to define them. That's for you to do, but we are going to work with you to get it done.
Some of the rights of indigenous peoples are clearly related to the indigenous languages. One way of changing things, specifically with respect to the Inuit, would be to offer more services. That, moreover, was one of the requests made by Ms. Aluki Kotierk, with whom I have worked extensively. We have not always agreed, but I have an enormous amount of respect for her because she knows her file and defends it with a great deal of courage. Our discussions were frequently about services.
We are currently trying to assess service delivery requests more accurately. A committee of assistant deputy ministers was struck to establish the government's capacity to provide these services and how to offer more of them.