Let me preface my remarks by saying the Indigenous Languages Act and the commission have just been recently appointed—on July 12, 2022—and in our focus we're mindful that we're building a national entity with a very complex mandate, so we've been working very hard to establish the solid foundation, mindful of future generations, for the commission to be able to address its mandate. Our focus primarily has been on that building of the foundation of the commission.
Where and when we've been able to speak at events in person or via link, we have done so. We did presentations to chiefs, to regional organizations and to various entities, and our directors and I did presentations to all communities, but in a very short time. Canada, as you know, is a very big country, with a lot of communities across the country. We will continue to push on in doing that, because one of our mandates is the promotion of the Indigenous Languages Act.
We've met with various parliamentarians from all parties. As well, we were invited via video link to have a breakfast meeting with the deputy ministers. I understand that it's quite rare to be invited to their meeting. Via video link, we've met with and done presentations for 6,000 civil servants across the country to inform them. It's important for such people to know about the act. We've done meetings with indigenous people across the country, but our primary focus has been to build the commission. Without the commission, we won't be able to appropriately address our mandate. We are making every effort to push forward, and we'll continue to do so.