I can give you one really good example in my own area. The first nations have collaborated to develop a legal framework on aquaculture in our region. For example, we have indigenous-owned aquaculture operations, but we also have non-indigenous aquaculture operations. Previously, before we had this framework, there was no reporting or monitoring provided to the indigenous communities, who rely on the water resource around us. By having these legal frameworks in place, we were actually benefiting from the social licence that we offered to those operations in our area.
One of the things this framework will do is to have the first nations that are impacted in any developments, including our own aquaculture businesses, issue the licences. We've been working very closely with the first nations, as well as the Province of Ontario and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, to have this legal framework recognized. I'll tell you that it's very complementary to existing legal requirements at the provincial and federal levels. It's really helping to include indigenous people in activating our jurisdiction and our authorities in this area.