I'm a former teacher and principal, and I was the inspector for Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School. I know the school well.
I think there's a real focus now in many school boards and many schools to support indigenous students, which for sure wasn't there decades ago. I think the fact that we have data, that we're asking students, “what do you want, what's going to be best for you and what are the supports you need?”, means that we're not making decisions on their behalf but having them as part of the team and better involving families, parents and extended family as well.
I think all of those things are very important, particularly with what's happening at Mattawa and the Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, and also with KiHS, the Internet high school, and the school boards. I think they have a very positive relationship, and they all have a common goal. We want these kids to succeed. We want these students to succeed.
Thank you.