Thank you, Lori, for this question.
It's an important question because the reason I made this recommendation is that we are not getting anywhere using Canada's so-called justice system or with Indian Affairs or the rebranded Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.
There is a constant deference to the band council, which has weak leadership, as you know. They have thrown up their hands and said that they're not going to do anything about organized crime. They're not going to do anything about it because it's too dangerous for them.
There are all these social issues that are happening in my community and still developers are coming in. They are taking our land. There are individual Mohawks who are just taking land without consultation and not following our own laws and our own protocols.
I have been doing this for over 30 years. I have not seen progress in any way, shape or form. The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples came from that 1990 siege of our community. It's all from racist colonial laws. Canada has colluded with the seminary of Saint-Sulpice, bluebloods from France. They've colluded with the Municipality of Oka. They are colluding with the authorities and organized crime in our community—to do nothing. We are distracted by all these threats to our security, yet they still keep taking our land. They keep telling us this message that we are worthless, that we are disposable and that we have no rights to this land.
This system is not working for us. We need an independent inquiry into the involvement of the federal, provincial, municipal and band councils in the situation we find ourselves in today, where we are not safe in our own homes in our community. There's is no such thing as democracy because if you do speak out there will be retribution against you.
I want an independent inquiry investigating Canada's collusion with organize crime in creating the situation we find ourselves in today.