Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'd like to thank the ministers, Mr. Vandal and Mr. Miller, for meeting with the committee today. This gives us an opportunity to follow up on discussions we began earlier in the year.
Mr. Vandal, I'd like to talk about the nutrition north Canada program, which we've discussed before. As you mentioned, through the budget, the government is investing in the program once again. The needs of the various communities are tremendous.
You said that your department wasn't the only one responsible, that other departments play a role in fulfilling this responsibility of the government's. I'd like an update on that. If I'm not mistaken, the government is investing $180 million in the nutrition north Canada program.
What work is being done in other departments? Do you always work together as a team? I know you asked about a round table or working group, since a number of departments are involved. What exactly is your role in delivering that $180‑million investment? How do the other departments help you to ensure food sovereignty or make it less expensive for northern populations to put food on the table?