Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you to our witness here today. It's a lovely conversation we are having. Gary Vidal speaks very highly of you. I was very interested to hear a lot of the stories he's been telling about you. They're all good, though. I want you to know that, and I think it's important to know that.
Since we weren't able to hear entirely from Harold Calla, I want to ask if you know about his RoadMap project? You do. That's basically what you're talking about today: more grassroots-up and less top-down, and less endless program funding that never seems to actually improve life on reserve.
Gary was also telling me about some of the businesses that operate in your community. He thought what a great opportunity it is to talk more about that and tell anybody listening or watching what amazing opportunities are happening in your community.
If you want to, you could tell us about it. Gary was bragging, but I think everyone should hear this, not just he and I.