Yes, it is.
As I said, I've spent a lot of time working and reviewing. Not only that, but I had the opportunity to be passed the oral history of my mosôm, Marlowe Kanowasquahum, who was raised by his grandfather, who was at the signing of Treaty No. 4. Chief Kakisiwew was the first signatory to Treaty No. 4. The first one to step up and touch the pen for the signing of Treaty No. 4 was my direct ancestor. A lot of that history has been passed on.
I worked for 16 years with the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations. I spent a lot of time—I mentioned earlier the late chief Richard Poorman and the late chief Denton George. They were very strong. As for the late chief Irvin Starblanket, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with him. Those were always the discussions that took place over the years when I had the opportunity to sit with him.