Good afternoon, everyone. I'd like to call to order meeting number 78 of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
We acknowledge that we meet on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe peoples.
Pursuant to Standing Orders, we are meeting today in hybrid format.
Lori, it's good to see you. Because we have you, Lori, or Ms. Idlout, on the first panel—I'm a bit informal here—and you know how to run everything, I won't go through all of the instructions.
For the second panel, we have online witnesses, so I'll do a bit more of an explanation at that point.
Now that we're in session, no photos are allowed. No screenshots are allowed.
We'll jump right into it.
I'd like to welcome our two witnesses today. We have Shannin Metatawabin, with the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association, and Hayden King, executive director of the Yellowhead Institute.
Colleagues, we're going to have lots of time for a good discussion today. Our first panel is going to be about 45 minutes. Then we'll have to suspend and bring in our second panel. That will be about 45 minutes. Then we'll suspend and go into committee business for drafting instructions.
Witnesses, I'll give you five minutes for your opening statements. I use a handy visual cue system. When there are 30 seconds left, I'll give you the yellow card. When time's up, I'll give you the red card, but finish your thought. Don't stop mid-sentence. We want to hear what you're saying.
We're ready to go now, and then we'll go into our rounds of questions after that.
Who would like to go first? We're very open here. We're a very friendly group.