I'll say this. When it comes to CMHC, I think having them working more closely with first nations would be helpful. We hear time and time again from many first nations communities that they're trying to work through even the small details of things and they feel like they're going to be left out of the housing process or the allocation of housing, when some things can be fixed, I'll say. One of them could be that maybe sometimes people change reporting, or.... Even communication from CMHC towards our first nations community is very problematic. Sometimes I feel like....
I'll say for Manitoba first nations that requesting CMHC to meet with them is very problematic sometimes. It's very frustrating when our first nations have diverse issues, but many of them are common issues for certain things, like when it comes to things like rapid housing. Some people felt that they were left out of rapid housing when they should have been included, or that because they were isolated, they were left out of it. That's just one example.
I'll leave that there, but I think there's very much room for improvement and very much room to improve the communication between CMHC and first nations communities.