Good afternoon, everyone.
I apologize for the delayed start, but we had votes, and votes always take priority here. We're now at a point where we can get started.
I'd like to, first of all, call this meeting to order.
Welcome, everyone, to meeting number 82 of the Standing Committee of Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
Pursuant to the Standing Orders, today's meeting will be in a hybrid format. There are no screenshots, photos or recordings allowed now that we are in session.
For today, we are going to have interpretation in three languages: French, English and Inuktitut.
Speaking of Inuktitut, I wanted to just raise to everybody's attention that today is a special day. It is International Inuit Day, so this is a very important day for our committee to celebrate. I just wanted to get that on the record. I hope everyone gets a chance to reflect on the relationship we have with the Inuit peoples and how we can continue moving forward in society.
For those participating in person, welcome. We have one witness online for the first panel. I would just ask people to speak slowly and clearly, so that our interpreters can do their jobs.
Just before we get into opening statements, I also want to remind members that we need to start giving some thought to amendments for this legislation. The note I have is simply that as we approach the deadline for submitting amendments, I'd like to remind members that all amendments, including subamendments, must be submitted in writing and sent to our committee clerk. The deadline we established is November 29. That will come up quickly, so start giving thought to those amendments and subamendments. If you wish to propose amendments, please send your written instructions to the legislative counsel, Alexandra Schorah, and she will ensure that amendments are drafted in the proper legal format.
With that, as the official business is done, we'll get right into welcoming witnesses.
With our first panel, we have Al Benoit, chief of staff, senior adviser, Manitoba Métis Federation; and William Goodon, minister of housing, Manitoba Métis Federation. Online, we have Dr. Ken Coates, chair, indigenous governance program, from Yukon University.
We are going to have five-minute opening statements from the two organizations. I'll give you a yellow card when there are 30 seconds left and a red card when your time is up. Don't stop mid-sentence, but wrap it up as much as you can, so that we can get into our rounds of questions. We want to give everybody a chance.
With the delay today, we are going to unfortunately have to do a bit of an abbreviated round, but I'll try to manage the time expectations for everyone here.
Everybody has gone through their sound checks.
Since we have Dr. Coates online, I think we'll start with him, just because the technology is there, and we have a visual on him. I'd like to give him his five minutes, because we never know when the technology might give up on us.
We will then come to our witnesses in the room, and then we'll get into our first round of questions.
Whenever you're ready, Dr. Coates, the floor is yours. You have five minutes for your opening statement.