Absolutely. Colonialism happened everywhere. Nowhere else in the world was there an ethnogenesis of a people like the historic Métis Nation that happened in western Canada and northwestern North America, so I would say no.
Are there folks who had mixed marriages who have part European and part first nations ancestry? Absolutely. Did that result in an ethnogenesis of a nation? No, it did not. If we're talking about a nation, then yes, there is only one historic Métis Nation.
Now, MNO likes to use the word “communities” because Powley used the word “community”. To me, that's still problematic. A community is not a nation. There could be friends, neighbours and people who live together and work together, but where are those markers I talked about, the language, the culture, the food, the dance, the music, the symbols and the heroes? Louis Riel is not their hero; he's our hero.