Thank you for that, Mr. Chair.
It's interesting. We've talked about the Constitution quite a bit in these discussions over the past few weeks. As colleagues on all sides, we're just trying to find a way to recognize something that has been a long time coming—more than a hundred years—as well as make sure that we're hearing from all concerned parties.
When we talk about the Constitution Act of 1982, it's important to realize that section 35 recognizes first nations, Inuit and Métis, but it goes further on that. It says that the existing aboriginal and treaty rights “are hereby recognized and affirmed.” That's a key line in there. My father was part of the negotiations as they exist now. The government said, “Yes, we can read these treaties. We know they're there, but we don't know if they still exist.” A lot of the litigation that has gone forward on section 35 has been proving that these rights still exist.
As the Mi'kmaq, we've proven two separate sets of rights, but for some reason, in this study, we've heard many people say that this legislation grants existing rights without any kind of wording in the purpose of this act that gets to that.
How do we balance trying to figure out the internal governance of the Métis with making sure that we're not doing anything around existing rights without going to the first nations that might be triggered by a duty to consult with some of the things moving forward?
Steve, I want to start with you. Maybe you can help me. Dive into your thoughts around that.