I can address that.
I mentioned earlier that nations make treaties; treaties do not make nations. The current ones that are in place, like the Yukon treaty.... That's a treaty creating the governments of our nations. That's like saying that they didn't have a government to make a treaty in the first place.
Keep in mind that it's the national powers of treaty-making that you're talking about, of the governments of our nations. They have the power to implement those treaties under their jurisdiction and laws and to give them legal effect, not just ratification.
Yes, there will be overlap in many areas, and that has to be addressed. You're now back to the issue I mentioned earlier: the interface of government jurisdiction and law. The national powers of treaty-making and the implementation of treaties respecting territorial boundaries and lands and treaty rights in every sector have to be addressed formally under your jurisdiction and laws.
When do you deal with the interface of jurisdiction and law between the Indian nations and the Métis nations, the federal government and the provincial governments? That treaty process is not valid in terms of dealing with these political issues that I'm talking about. That's what the judgment said. You have to rectify the Métis relations with the sovereignty of Canada and the Constitution.
Your problem is that most people don't know what that framework is all about. That's been my experience, even with members of government, Parliament, ministers and the opposition. They don't know what that framework is about, but it's been there since 1982. They're still implementing the BNA Act of 1876. That's the comment I have.
However, let's understand the national powers of treaty-making. We talk about treaties and treaty rights. We never discuss the national powers of treaty-making, yet they're very valid. That's one of the national powers of governing. The national powers of governing are governing internal, external and international affairs.
The self-government policy provides governing of only internal affairs. That's not inherent sovereignty. The inherent sovereignty provides for the recognition of your jurisdiction for the internal, national and international political and governing affairs. That's my position regarding the issue you're talking about.
However, when do we go to that political agenda and elevate this administrative and legal agenda to a political agenda dealing with these major political agenda items I'm talking about that I've tabled with you? By the way, I provided you with inherent rights charts. I provided you with a comprehensive legal and political relations chart, as well as the self-journey of self-termination under the 500 years of colonial policies. That document highlights those in about two pages, so you have those charts.