Thank you for repeating your question.
Yes. if this bill were to go through, it would have large impacts on our unceded Algonquin territory, only because we have been the rights and title holders of these lands since time immemorial.
There has never been an established Métis community up and down the Ottawa River, the Kichi Zībī, or anywhere within its watershed. These have been Algonquin Anishinabe lands from time immemorial.
Again, I cannot speak for the rest of the lands in Ontario, especially anywhere outside of unceded Algonquin territory, but if we were to give rights to and recognize the rights of a Métis nation of Ontario that encompasses any part of the great Kichi Zībī, it would impact our rights as Algonquin people. That is why we're here today. It's to speak about the issues and the ramifications of something like this taking place.
Yes, it would have large impacts on our rights, because, again, there has never been a Métis community nation within the Algonquin nation's unceded Algonquin territory.