Thank you, Chair.
I'm sorry. I need to dispense with something. I gave notice of a motion the other day. I think we have agreement on this, so we can do this very quickly, hopefully.
There's a statutory requirement for the ministers to appear within four weeks of the supplementary estimates being tabled in the House. I think we have an agreement that we'll give an extension of some time here, rather than what's in my motion, and we can all agree on this.
I'm going to read my motion as amended. I reads, “That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs invites the Minister of Indigenous Services Canada, the Minister for Crown-Indigenous Relations, and the Minister of Northern Affairs to appear before the Committee prior to rising for Christmas to discuss the Supplementary Estimates (B), 2023-24, and that the meeting be televised.
I've taken out that hard stop of December 7 to free up the minister next week.