Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I do want to move this motion to add a new clause into the bill here.
This comes from a number of Métis folks who showed up at our committee and were concerned about their communities being represented by the national Métis association of Alberta and that their right to be represented by their own community may be reduced. They want to ensure they could pursue their self-government separately from from the Métis Nation of Alberta. They asked for this.
I wrote in to the drafters. I didn't necessarily expect it to be worded quite like this—an abrogation or derogation clause—but I know that Jaime mentioned this several times as well.
This would allow for folks like the Métis of Cadotte or the Métis of Fort McKay to pursue their own self-government agreements with the federal government in light of that. That's what this motion is hopefully doing.
I would maybe ask our officials if they have any opinions on whether this amendment would indeed achieve that.
Would this allow the Cadotte Métis or Fort McKay Métis to pursue self-government separate from the MNA?