Yes. It's specifically that there would be a line conflict. I think as we've discussed before, we can't go to the same line twice, so whoever gets to it first, deals with it.
In this case, because of the order in which they were received, CPC‑7 would be dealt with first. Therefore, if it's adopted, we'll have already dealt with that line, so yours cannot be done because that's against the rules of how we operate when going through clause-by-clause. If yours had been first, we would have dealt with it first, and then CPC‑7 could have been out of order. It's the way we're going through them, the way they were received. As I said, if this one, CPC‑7, does not get carried, we will go to yours because that line would still be open to negotiate. That's why there's a difference.
You could move a subamendment to CPC‑7 if that would address your concern.
Mr. Viersen, you're next.