We're at what would be the normal ending time. I'll carry forward with a speaking list for when we resume on Wednesday. Mr. Viersen will be first up.
Colleagues, I've had a request about timing for the Wednesday meeting. We have a number of votes scheduled that may affect our start time. Normally, we get two hours from the time we start. There are some members who have flights near our regular end time. I'll see what that looks like. I'll negotiate with everybody on what Wednesday's schedule will look like and get back to you.
Because of the speaking order, we're going to suspend for today and then start back up with Mr. Viersen speaking to NDP-5.
We're suspended until we meet again sometime on Wednesday.
[The meeting was suspended at 1:01 p.m., Monday, January 29]
[The meeting resumed at 5:46 p.m., Wednesday, January 31]