With the motion we have, what I'm looking for is whether we can get unanimous consent to bring it back at our next meeting and have the discussion then, so we'll essentially be adjourning debate for today. We'll have more information and bring it back when we come back.
Colleagues, I know people are talking about how we're out of time. Technically, we have two hours of resources. I was hoping to at least get through the schedule today. I know there are lots of discussions. We want to make sure that we have plenty of time for discussion.
At this point, I have no more speakers on NDP-5. I'm wondering if we're willing to move that. I'll even be so bold as to ask this: Are we going to have the same level of discussion for the remaining amendments on the schedule, or do we think we can move through those in the somewhat reasonable amount of time we have and still get out earlier than the resources we have beyond 6:30?
I'm looking to the will of the committee. Before we do that, I will say, not having anybody else on my speaking list, that I will call the vote on NDP-5 so we can at least conclude that. Then I'll see what the will of the committee is, and we can perhaps dispense with some others: CPC-8, CPC-9, and CPC-10.
Let's do the vote first on NDP-5. Do we want a recorded vote on this?