I think we clarified that very well.
Speaking about the nature of “Ottawa knows best”, the member said that we're proposing something to that effect. I think it's the exact opposite. We're actually trying to put on the record in this committee that we're going to respect the territories' decision to pursue an exemption. As was said before by Minister Guilbeault, it would be his job to grant any further exemptions, after we saw the granting of one to Atlantic Canadians who use home heating oil.
I'll further quote the deputy premier. This is from NNSL, a periodical that's well known in the territories.
“I think the Premier has spoken to this—this is a tax that is putting the North in a position to pay for something that we are actually a very small contributor to, GHG...emissions, with one of the least opportunities to get ourselves off those GHG emissions,” she added.
That's because they have to stay warm in the cold.
“This is really why we wanted to hang onto control of it, because the federal government in this instance made a change that benefits people who use home heating fuel in their homes, but in other cases could just as easily make a political decision that would not benefit people.
“We would want to be insulated from being directly impacted from a political decision coming from Ottawa. We've been holding on ourselves to having our own system in the North that was designed in the North, meant to apply in the North.”
The whole principle that started this—and the member would know this well—was that somebody in the Northwest Territories was formerly allowed to be granted rebates on home heating. Then—I think it was last April—the Prime Minister said he was sorry but they couldn't do that anymore. They couldn't grant rebates for the carbon tax to their citizens anymore. It put the people who live in the Northwest Territories and their leaders in this very difficult position.
Again, I'll refer to Jackie Jacobson. I call him the carbon tax warrior. He was one of the ones who stood up and said that they already had out-of-control food prices up in the north and that now they were seeing a quadrupling of the carbon tax too. He said it was going to be implemented and mandated across the country by the Prime Minister, and it looked as though he would not allow the Northwest Territories to do what it wanted to do by offering its own rebates.
Again, the spirit of this motion is to support the people of Northwest Territories. We've seen in the news that this might come up this week in their legislature. This is an opportunity for the federal government to say that it supports folks, especially in the north, and to recognize that they are a very small contributor to GHG emissions. We heard that mentioned in committee today. Here's a real opportunity to help folks who are struggling in the north. We as a committee could come forward and say that we support them.
That's what this motion is about. I challenge every member to vote yes for this motion today.