I think I understand what Mr. Battiste is saying. The way testimony at this committee unfolded, many of the Métis governments that are to be represented through this legislation, if passed, had a chance to speak at the front end, and now we're here, as government officials and as the negotiator for this bill, trying to speak to their interests and their perspectives.
I would agree. I know that the Métis governments this bill is meant to represent find this concept offensive. They think it's a restriction that hasn't been placed on other indigenous governments in implementing legislation, and it really does prohibit a potential set of conversations in the future. Understanding that there are, for example.... Mr. Battiste has pointed to scrip claims, which have a long history in Canada, and there is a long history of the dispossession of Métis peoples for over 150 years.
I don't know that I have anything to add, other than to say that, as the negotiator who has helped co-develop this legislation and the agreements, and who will help to co-develop the self-government treaties, it's my understanding that our partners take a similar view to Mr. Battiste's.