I have to tell you that my mandate is limited to federal corrections. One thing that corrections believes is that they do not have control, which I think is accurate, of the number of people being admitted into their penitentiaries. However, where I disagree is that they do have the authority, the power and the means to effect change and to have an impact on public safety by ensuring that those incarcerated in their facilities are prepared for a safe and gradual release, and they may be able to make a significant contribution to public safety.
It's clear to me that a lot of the problems that Correctional Service Canada is facing are challenging, and they should be dealt with far sooner, before people arrive in their correctional facilities. In my personal view, and as I said, this is outside my mandate, it's clear that in Canadian society, indigenous people do not benefit from socio-economic, cultural indigenous rights as do the rest of Canadians. There are some incredible disadvantages, and some of those are, of course, rooted in historical factors.