I move:
Given that, the NDP-Liberal carbon tax is set to increase by 23% on April 1st, 2024, and that,
Most First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people live in rural areas that require access to affordable, stable, and reliable gas, groceries, and home heating to live, and that,
The Chiefs of Ontario have deemed the carbon tax discriminatory against First Nations, calling on the government to axe the tax, and, after the government refused to do so, filed for judicial review with support from Assembly of First Nations Chief Cindy Woodhouse and that,
The Premiers of seven provinces and the Premier of Northwest Territories have called for the government to spike the hike,
The committee:
Recognize that the carbon tax disproportionately affects First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, and
Recognize that Indigenous communities across Canada are engaged in the development of natural resource projects for the benefit of current and future generations contributing to economic reconciliation, and
Call on the Liberal Government to immediately cancel the 23% carbon tax increase on April 1 and axe the tax for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis across Canada,
And report this to the House.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.