From the prospectors' point of view, there's a similar program. I won't go into it because of the lack of time.
On the communications side, it's hard for industry to communicate these things. You can spend a massive amount of money and not get very much in return. However, at the last mines ministers conference, which was held in Saskatoon in September of last year, the ministers determined that the theme of this year's conference, which will take place in St. John's on the last day of August, will be the industry's image.
I participated here about two or three weeks ago in a working group of civil servants from federal and provincial governments who are looking deeply into this issue. They are preparing all kinds of materials and so on. It's a very interesting study. I'm hopeful that there is something in terms of coordinated communication. Again, it's this balkanization I'm always fighting against, this fragmentation. Hopefully, after the ministers consider this, there will be some form of government and industry coordinated communications plan.
The brand is strong. We are strong. There are some warts on the hog, but generally speaking, Canadian mining....
Did I say a bad word?