I think Statistics Canada indicates that the industry, defined as they define it, spends about $550 million a year or so on R and D. It's not in the same category as your previous speakers, but it is on a par with sectors such as the auto sector, etc.
I think there is an effort on the industry's part. Mr. Baird mentioned the Canadian Mining Innovation Council, or CMIC, which is a new undertaking. The government is just now searching for an executive director for it, and I think the industry will be coming, in the lead-up to the next budget cycle, to seek money to support CMIC. There are a number of kinds of projects that could be supported through CMIC: carbon capture and storage; some geothermal—there is potential for geothermal energy in underground mines to be used more effectively—potentially the use of waste products in place of cement, etc.; non-cyanide processes for gold.
So there are areas for more research to take place. A lot of these tend to be of benefit to the broader industry and so tend to be joint research efforts, which is partly why we're coming in through the hat of CMIC. I think we will be seeking money and working with Finance over the coming budget cycle to try to get support for that effort.