With respect to patents or intellectual property, your risk is that you're going to see the technology be delayed in being introduced into Canada. You run the risk of companies not spending a lot of investment in jobs on doing their research and development in Canada, if their IP can't be equally protected.
Does that run the risk of the company...? Probably not as much, because the company will relocate to a favourable environment. The company may survive; it may just not be the Canadian jobs. Or certainly, if the IP is not there—and it's not the patents as much as it is data protection that comes with the development side—what you are going to see is that the introduction of new products and technologies are probably not going to come to Canada as quickly, if at all, and we've seen that.
Canada has made improvements. We're just not world-leading and we're a little bit behind some of our developing nations. We've been talking with the government on this, within the public service, trying to improve it, but it's clearly a longer-term process.