This is an important area, especially for an industry like ours where there is a lot of international trading and a lot of international investment.
One area we pay attention to, although not as high-profile an area as free trade agreements, involves FIPAs, foreign investment protection agreements. These are useful even if they're not used that much. They provide some guidance to foreign countries and they provide some comfort to companies that are investing in these countries. If there is a dispute, they will have some independent arbitrator and some independent rules through which they can regulate that dispute.
We welcome more FIPAs. Canada should have more of them. I think other countries have more of them. Other countries call them bilateral investment treaties. I know there's one in play with China that's been dragging on for a while. There was one signed with Peru, which was rolled into a free trade agreement eventually. We certainly welcome any government action on these kinds of FIPAs. If the one with China can be moved along, then that would be good as well.
There is also Export Development Canada, or EDC. I used to work there for several years; I'm quite familiar with the organization. It's an important organization. It's getting a bit more attention now and it has a bit more of a domestic mandate added to it. Its main mandate is still international in supporting foreign trade and foreign investment.
It's our sense, in talking to some of our members, that they can take on more risk. They have a very large balance sheet. They have their own treasury. They're a very healthy organization. They have the ability to take on more risk when working with companies; they're a bit too cozy.
One of our companies has criticized a bit the fact that they tend to reorganize too much, or their people tend to move around. So if you meet some people one day, a year from then it may be different people. I don't know if there's a way to bring a bit more transparency to their organization chart.
You can't access them, for example, through the website, in terms of seeing their organization structure and which people are in which areas. You can't see which people are in which sector teams. It's a fairly simple suggestion, but it might be interesting to try to bring a bit more of that openness to EDC so people can get a sense of how they're organized and who's serving which sector.
Those would be a couple of comments. It's an important area, and the more effort that can be made towards FIPAs and the more impetus that can be given to EDC to take on more risk, those two things would be well received by our industry.