Thank you very much. The businesses you represent are very varied and complex. I jotted down a few things with regard to BIOTECanada.
You mentioned that there is a limitation in the refundable credits and that the situation is urgent as far as the credit crunch is concerned. Many jobs are exportable. We risk seeing our technologies being exported. Several other countries invest heavily in this area. You are also saying that the companies you represent need tools.
Are credit availability and tax credits for research and development the two things that you are asking for on behalf of the companies you represent? If I understood correctly, these are non-refundable credits that could be converted into refundable credits. This would mean that the corporation would not be required to make a profit; it would be entitled to these funds even if it were not profitable. I would like to hear your comments in this regard. Are these the only two development tools that you are asking for?